Father's Sins
Sniper Rifle
- Impact55
- Range31
- Stability31
- Handling66
- Reload Speed55
- Aim Assistance73
- Airborne Effectiveness1
- Zoom35
- Recoil Direction53
- Rounds Per Minute140
- Magazine5
Rapid-Fire Frame
Deeper ammo reserves. Slightly faster reload when magazine is empty.
Extras are still work in progress!
Weapon masterwork
Weapon mods
CQC Optics: High
Weapon Mod
Slightly increases zoom magnification.
- Zoom+ 1
Radar Tuner
Weapon Mod
Radar immediately returns when you stop aiming down sights.
Sprint Grip
Weapon Mod
Temporarily increases the weapon's ready speed and aim down sights speed after sprinting.
Freehand Grip
Weapon Mod
Increases accuracy and ready speed while firing from the hip.
Icarus Grip
Weapon Mod
Moderately increases airborne effectiveness.
- Airborne Effectiveness+ 15
Heavy Ammo Finder Enhancement
Weapon Mod
Grants increased Heavy Ammo Finder progress with this weapon's final blows.
Quick Access Sling
Weapon Mod
Increases this weapon's ready and stow speed.
Counterbalance Stock
Weapon Mod
Reduces recoil deviation for the weapon.
- Recoil Direction+ 15
Marksman Optics: High
Weapon Mod
Slightly increases zoom magnification.
- Zoom+ 2
Weapon Mod
Grants increased draw time and accuracy.
- Draw Time+ 876
- Charge Time+ 1000
- Accuracy+ 6
Weapon Mod
Grants increased blast radius and projectile speed.
- Blast Radius+ 6
- Velocity+ 6
Weapon Mod
Grants increased reload speed and handling.
- Reload Speed+ 6
- Handling+ 6
Special Ammo Finder Enhancement
Weapon Mod
Grants increased Special Ammo Finder progress with this weapon's final blows.
Marksman Optics: Low
Weapon Mod
Slightly reduces zoom magnification.
- Zoom- 2
Weapon Mod
Stunning a Champion partially refills this weapon from reserves.
Weapon Mod
Reduces incoming flinch for this weapon.
Targeting Adjuster
Weapon Mod
This weapon gains better target acquisition.
- Aim Assistance+ 5
CQC Optics: Low
Weapon Mod
Slightly reduces zoom magnification.
- Zoom- 1
Backup Mag
Weapon Mod
Increases magazine.
- Magazine+ 50
Weapon Mod
Grants increased range and stability.
- Range+ 6
- Stability+ 6
Full Auto Retrofit
Weapon Mod
Holding down the trigger will fire this weapon at full auto.
Radar Booster
Weapon Mod
Slightly increases the range at which radar detects enemies.
Weapon Mod
Final blows with this weapon have a chance to create an elemental pickup matching its damage type, or an Orb of Power for weapons that deal Kinetic damage.
Weapon perks
Arrowhead Brake
Lightly vented barrel. • Greatly controls recoil • Increases handling speed
- Recoil Direction+ 30
- Handling+ 10
Chambered Compensator
Stable barrel attachment. • Increases stability • Moderately controls recoil • Slightly decreases handling speed
- Stability+ 10
- Recoil Direction+ 10
- Handling- 5
Corkscrew Rifling
Balanced barrel. • Slightly increases range and stability • Slightly increases handling speed
- Stability+ 5
- Range+ 5
- Handling+ 5
Extended Barrel
Weighty barrel extension. • Increases range • Decreases handling speed • Moderately controls recoil
- Handling- 10
- Range+ 10
- Recoil Direction+ 10
Fluted Barrel
Ultra-light barrel. • Greatly increases handling speed • Slightly increases stability
- Stability+ 5
- Handling+ 15
Full Bore
Barrel optimized for distance. • Greatly increases range • Decreases stability • Slightly decreases handling speed
- Stability- 10
- Range+ 15
- Handling- 5
Hammer-Forged Rifling
Durable ranged barrel. • Increases range
- Range+ 10
Polygonal Rifling
Barrel optimized for recoil reduction. • Increases stability
- Stability+ 10
Dual strength barrel. • Increases range • Increases stability
- Stability+ 7
- Range+ 7
Accurized Rounds
This weapon can fire longer distances. • Increases range
- Range+ 10
Appended Mag
This weapon's magazine is built for higher capacity. • Increases magazine size
- Magazine+ 46
Tactical Mag
This weapon has multiple tactical improvements. • Slightly increases stability • Increases reload speed • Slightly increases magazine size
- Magazine+ 43
- Reload Speed+ 10
- Stability+ 5
Extended Mag
This weapon has a greatly increased magazine size, but reloads much slower. • Greatly increases magazine size • Greatly decreases reload speed • Increases airborne effectiveness
- Magazine+ 50
- Reload Speed- 20
- Airborne Effectiveness+ 10
Steady Rounds
This magazine is optimized for recoil control. • Greatly increases stability • Slightly decreases range • Increases airborne effectiveness
- Stability+ 15
- Range- 5
- Airborne Effectiveness+ 7
Alloy Magazine
Faster reload when the magazine is nearly empty.
0.85x Reload Duration Scale
Flared Magwell
Optimized for fast reloading. • Slightly increases stability • Greatly increases reload speed
- Reload Speed+ 15
- Stability+ 5
Shoot to Loot
Shooting an Orb of Power picks it up. Shooting an ammo brick picks it up and automatically reloads all of your equipped weapons from reserves.
Triggers ammo-pickup effects such as Overflow. Only activates if you're capable of picking up the ammo brick.
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 7
Shooting an Orb of Power picks it up. Shooting an ammo brick picks it up and automatically reloads all of your equipped weapons from reserves. Increases range.
- Range+ 5
Lead from Gold
Picking up Heavy ammo also grants ammo to this weapon.
Grants the equivalent of 1 Special Ammo Pickup.
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 8
Picking up Heavy ammo also grants increased ammo to this weapon.
Special gained goes from the equivalent of 1 ammo brick to 2.
Field Prep
Lv. 4
Increased ammo reserves. Faster reload, stow, and ready when you're crouching.
Adds 45 Reload with 0.8x multiplier and 0.8x ready/stow animation duration. The Inventory Size increase is the reserves boost.
- Inventory Size+ 10
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 9
Greatly increased ammo reserves. Improved faster reload, stow, and ready when you're crouching.
- Inventory Size+ 10
Under Pressure
Lv. 11
Improved stability and accuracy as the magazine gets lower.
Activates once the magazine goes below 50%. Grants 25% to 50% increased Accuracy and up to 30 Stability.
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 14
Greatly improved stability and accuracy as the magazine gets lower.
No Distractions
Lv. 12
Aiming this weapon for a short period reduces flinch.
After aiming down sights for 1s without firing, flinch is reduced by 35%. Timer starts as soon as the ADS input is registered.
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 15
Aiming this weapon for a very short period of time reduces flinch.
Triple Tap
Lv. 13
Rapidly landing precision hits will return one round to the magazine.
Activation window is 2.5s.
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 16
Landing precision hits will return one round to the magazine.
Time between Precision Hits is increased to 3s.
Eye of the Storm
This weapon becomes more accurate and boosts handling as your health gets lower.
Effect increases linearly as Health decreases, max benfits at Critical Health. Grants 30 Handling, -40% Accuracy Cone Size, -17% Accuracy Cone Growth.
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 7
This weapon becomes more accurate and boosts handling as your health gets lower. Increases stability.
- Stability+ 5
Opening Shot
Improved accuracy and range on the opening shot of attack.
Applies to the first bullet only after not firing for 3.1s. Grants the following: • 20 Aim Assistance • 25 Range • -5% Accuracy Cone Size • -10% Accuracy Cone Growth
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 8
Greatly improved accuracy and range on the opening shot of attack.
Lv. 4
Using this weapon to break the shield of a combatant or a Guardian using their Super will grant you an overshield.
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 9
Using this weapon to break the shield of a combatant or a Guardian using their Super will grant you an overshield for an improved duration.
Duration increased to 11.4s.
Lv. 11
Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
Has a duration of 3.5 seconds, all stacks disappear once timer expires. • 1x: 10% • 2x: 21% • 3x: 33.1%
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 14
Final blows with this weapon grant increased damage for an improved duration. Stacks 3 times.
Increases duration from 3.5s to 4s. Works with Rampage Spec Mod (from 4.5s to 5s).
Focused Fury
Lv. 12
Dealing half of the magazine as precision damage grants this weapon bonus damage. The shot count is reset whenever the weapon is reloaded or stowed.
Activates after hitting 50% of the Magazine as Precision Hits. Grants 20% increased damage for 11 seconds.
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 15
Dealing half of the magazine as precision damage grants this weapon bonus damage for an improved duration. The shot count is reset whenever the weapon is reloaded or stowed.
Increases duration from 11s to 12s.
Snapshot Sights
Lv. 13
Faster time to aim down sights.
0.5x ADS Animation Multiplier for Primary Weapons. 0.75x for Special Weapons.
Enhanced Benefits
Lv. 16
Faster time to aim down sights. Stability is increased.
- Stability+ 5
Origin Trait
Sustained damage from this weapon lowers the target's damage output for a short duration.
Savathün's Throne World Trait. Sustained damage from this weapon lowers the target's damage output by 10% for 3s.
Curated roll
Extended Barrel
Weighty barrel extension. • Increases range • Decreases handling speed • Moderately controls recoil
- Handling- 10
- Range+ 10
- Recoil Direction+ 10
Steady Rounds
This magazine is optimized for recoil control. • Greatly increases stability • Slightly decreases range • Increases airborne effectiveness
- Stability+ 15
- Range- 5
- Airborne Effectiveness+ 7
Shoot to Loot
Shooting an Orb of Power picks it up. Shooting an ammo brick picks it up and automatically reloads all of your equipped weapons from reserves.
Triggers ammo-pickup effects such as Overflow. Only activates if you're capable of picking up the ammo brick.
Using this weapon to break the shield of a combatant or a Guardian using their Super will grant you an overshield.
Extras are still work in progress!